Welcome to Atascadero Republican Women Federated (ARWF).  Our mission is to educate women from all walks of life about the Republican Party, share our views and opinions and to help elect qualified Republican candidates to office. We hold monthly lunchtime meetings where we have interesting speakers who provide us with in-depth information about current events and how we are all affected. This gives us an opportunity to learn both current issues affecting our local and state government. We can then become more informed decision makers.

For more information please visit:



We are always eager to welcome new members to our organization who are registered Republican.


If you are interested, please submit your information to us. We would welcome your interest and questions. If you decide to join us, you can be sure your time will be well spent.

The annual dues, which are quite small, to become a member or an associate member of AFRW are:

  • $35.00 Regular Member, Yearly starting January 1st
  • $15.00 Associate Member (Republican Men or Members of another Federated Club)


What do you get for your due’s payment?

  • Monthly club newsletter
  • Weekly CFRW Legislative Updates
  • Monthly NFRW Updates
  • Partial registration paid to attend conferences and conventions
  • Attend meetings and hear a variety of informative speakers educating members on current events


The Objectives shall be to:

  • foster loyalty to Republican candidates in all elections including nonpartisan elections.
  • promote an informed public through education and activity.
  • increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.
  • influence legislation and maintain a CFRW presence in State government in accordance with CFRW goals.
  • promote a wider knowledge of the principles and policies of the Republican Party.
  • encourage active citizenship.
  • cooperate with the California Republican Party and the County Central Committees for the election of Republican nominees.
  • facilitate cooperation among Federated Republican Women’s Local Clubs.